of fund
The financing of health care in
Bangladesh is mainly dominated by out-of-pocket payments by the households,
government’s revenues, and development partners’ funding (indirectly to GO and directly
to NGOs). Public spending on health is financed from national tax, fund
received from development partners (e.g., WB, DFID, USAID, SIDA, CIDA, AusAID
etc.) and corporations and autonomous bodies, stagnating around 1% of GDP
between 1997 and 2007 despite the sustained economic growth. Besides Out-of-pocket
payments (OOP) (64% of THE), other sources of private financing include private
firms, private insurance companies and NGOs (~2.2%). OOP expenses of households
and individuals go directly to the providers in the public, private and NGO
Foreign development
partners channel their funds to the health sector through GoB and NGOs. In
absolute terms donor funding to MOHFW more than doubled between 1998 and 2011.
However, as a share of the health sector program budget it fluctuated between
24% and 27% over the same period. During 1997-2007, donor grants to NGOs as a
share of THE varied between 5% and 8% (MOHFW 2010).
The health funds described above are generally
pooled fund, with a scope for risk pooling (‘aggregation of individual
financial contributions to cover the total health costs of a broader population’).
Pre-payment and risk-pooling is essential pre-requisite for any insurance
Allocation of resources
In Bangladesh’s centrally
managed public health care system, resources are allocated to cost centres
(districts and upazilas) according to the size of the inpatient facilities (the
OPD is not taken into account) and number of staff. Allocation is made solely
based on no. of beds, bed days and sanctioned staff size. The cost for medicine
and diet at different tiers are paid based on some set norms and are paid
through both budgets (see annex). Funds
are disbursed quarterly to cost centers (for revenue budget) and Line Directors
(for development budget) under the two Directorates. In this approach, no. of
beds and facilities are extremely important in determining the level of
allocation in a particular area. Thus, allocation doesn’t reflect health needs
of the varying population size and there is wide variation in per capita
allocation in different districts.

P=size of population;
a=age-sex adjustment; n=differential health needs within each group; c=cost of
Source: Need-based resource allocation formula, HEU/MOHFW, 23
October 2013
Besides, LLP (Local Level
Planning and budgeting) is also an effective tool for need-based allocation of
resources in health.
Purchaser provider split?
MoHFW generally plays the
dual role of purchaser and provider, where health services are provided through
a range of facilities at different tiers and salaries of HCPs are mainly paid
through the revenue budget, including payment from the development budget for
some vertical programs. In both cases, salaries remain fixed with no
opportunity of performance based payment except recent Demand Side Financing
Program (the maternal voucher scheme currently operating in 53 Upazillas).
There remains exception in case of a number of programmes, where
MOHFW contracts out the service provision to NGOs: the National Tuberculosis Control Program, the
National AIDS and STI Programs, and the the Urban Primary Health Care Project
under the Ministry of Local Government. In all these programmes, the NGOs are
chosen through open competitive bidding procedure for a certain period.
For greater transparency
and accountability in health sector, purchaser provider split is advocated. The purchaser–provider split (PPS)
is a service delivery model in which third party payors (purchasers) are organizationally
separated from the service providers who are contracted through a competitive
process to deliver services based on the needs of the population. The purchaser-provider split model of service requires the
existence of a dedicated purchasing agencies (e.g., the NHSO of Thailand) with
responsibility for financing services and dictating the terms of service
provision by the providers. Providers of services are contracted through an
open competitive bidding and these contracts specify their roles and
responsibilities in delivering the public goods or services.
This PPS model requires increased autonomy
for public healthcare providers, so that they have the ability to manage their
facilities in the most cost-effective way, under the overall policy direction
of the MOHFW. For example, autonomy for hospitals can take different forms:
letting them retain revenues from fees, giving them the authority to hire and
fire staff, and allowing them to raise funds. This model ensures competition among the service providers
which results in improved, responsive and better quality health care services
in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
Healthcare Financing Strategy 2012-2032
and purchaser-provider split: a National Health Security Office (NHSO) for
first ever healthcare financing strategy has addressed the issue of separating
the purchaser from the provider in the provision of health care services. It
also plans to generate new resources for health and its efficient and equitable
utilization for ensuring financial risk protection in order to achieve
universal health coverage (MOHFW 2012) In its 20
year implementation period (2012-32), the strategy aims at a reduction of OOPP
from 64% to 32% of total health expenditure, an increase in government
expenditure from 26% to 30%, an increase in social protection from less than 1%
to 32%, and reduced dependence on external funds from 8% to 5%.
Under the proposed HCFS 2012-’32,
there would be a national Social Health Protection Scheme with one pool and one
benefit package which will be administered by a NHSO (like the NHSO of
Thailand). The NHSO will be an autonomous organization and will pool funds
from the public, private, and development partners' fund and finance the Social
Health Protection Scheme. Flexible and targeted disbursements by the fund could
increase access to quality care, increase financial risk protection, improve
efficiency, and increase resources for health.
the first stage, the scheme will be targeted to the BPL populations and formal
sector including voluntary subscription from the informal sector. In a later
stage, partial subsidy to those in the informal sector and near the BPL will be
included. For pooling pre-payments and managing the purchase of health care
services from, and payments to, the providers will be the tasks of the NHSO.
This independent authority, beside purchasing services from the public sector,
may also subsidize the service packages of the non-government providers who are
running micro and social health insurance services especially for the poor and
the disadvantaged.
Bangladesh Health System Review vol 5
no. 1, 2015. (Health Systems in Transition series by APO) (forthcoming)
Health Care Financing Strategy 2012 –
2032. HEU/MOHFW, Dhaka, 2012.
National Health Accounts 1997 – 2007.
Ensor et al. Geographic resource
allocation in Bangladesh. Research paper 21. HEU/MOHFW, 2001.
5. Need-based
resource allocation formula for HPN sector. PP presentation by HEU/MOHFW, 23
Oct, 2013.
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