In recent years Bangladesh has performed exceptionally well in delivering ‘Good health at low cost’ despite a weak, low-performing and pluralistic health system suffering from ‘shortage, inappropriate skill-mix and inequitable distribution’ of health workforce’. Bangladesh’s basic health indicators are equal to or better than its neighbours who have higher per capita income. For example, the life expectancy has increased by 23 years in the past 40 years compared to 16 years in India, 10 years in Afghanistan and 18 years in Iran. Various explanations have been made for this achievement, including the benefits of targeted public health interventions e.g., immunization, family planning, and nutrition supplementation which were broadly pro-poor (Mahmud 2008).
However, this is not the end of the
story because health is also a factor of ‘conditions in which people
are born, grow, live, work, and age – conditions that together provide the
freedom people need to live lives they value’. Underpinning Bangladesh’s spectacular performances in
health are other contextual factors in the socio-economic sector including enabling
social environment for women. While giving due credit to the health system for its
part, we should not loss site of the fact that health is contingent upon
broader socio-economic development.
The other most important factor has been the spectacular
march of the women in Bangladesh! Academically termed as ‘empowerment of women’,
this has been achieved through micro-credit based income generation,
labour-force participation especially in the garments sector, and state-facilitated
and state sponsored female literacy. The age-old notion of ‘men as the
bread-winner’is challenged by the changing role of women as ‘income-earners’ in
Bangladesh. Income and education has given women freedom to choose a meaningful
life and redefined their relation vis-a-vis the society and the state.
Education has increased their ability of women to access
necessary health information and make better use of available health services. They
can now take informed decisions which are critical for the well-being of their
children, exemplified in radical improvement in child survival since the ‘90s. Compared
to past, they have more autonomy to take and implement decisions regarding
their reproductive health e.g., whether and where to seek contraception care,
pregnancy care and delivery care. The results have been drastic reduction of
maternal mortality in recent times (see overview paper). However, a lots remain
to be done in engineering the social determinants for better health and
global countdown to design the new development agenda beyond 2015 has begun. The
health system needs radical realignment to address health issues beyond 2015,
based on influencing and modulating social determinants of health, and
strengthening the heath system. Universal Health Coverage through risk sharing
and resource pooling (insurance or tax revenue) may be one approach, but is not
the panacea for all problems since ‘better health requires much more than UHC’.
1 comment:
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